A layered salad: A layer of green to a red salad

Continuing with my fascination of the Mediterranean...from the 'Desert  recipe' to a healthier ( read low calorie), but equally delightful, recipe.  Israeli Salads. I did write about a Mediterranean Israeli Salad recipe a few weeks back. But without any pictures. This time around I have added a 'layer' to it and with pictures to boot too :). It is the same red colored assortment of veggies and fruits.  The dressing is more flavorful this time. However, I have a feeling that a salad is not really a salad till there is an element of green to it. 'Elementary, my dear Watson(s)'. 

I have dared to twist this line, given that Mr, Holmes never really said this sentence, ever in his life. He has said, many a times, ' Elementary' and ' My dear Watson'. But never ' Elementary my dear Watson'. :)  It is true. A very catchy trivia, I find.

Anyway back to Salads. As I was saying, I decided to add a green layer to the salad. So I make a red salad. And then lay it in layers between fresh Romaine/ or regular lettuce. Looks terrific. And very salad-y. So here  is my contribution to a very very Israeli salad. Layering it with green. 

So here is 'Layered Salad'


Any veggie you can find that is a variant of red, orange or purple or at best yellow :)

2 bell pepper-- one red and the other yellow. No greens please. Remember its all red!

2 big carrots

half a head of red cabbage.

5-6 radish

7-8 small tomatoes halved. If you are using regular tomatoes, just a medium size would do.

1 big apple

1 orange-- peeled and chopped into chunks. This will help release some of the flavors of the orange into the salad.

A big handful of cranberries. You can also use raisins instead of or together with the crans
7- 8 olives optional.
Okay I can't remember anything else that might be red. But feel free to keep adding.

4-5 leaves of Lettuce. Chopped into big pieces. So that they can be used for layering.
For the dressing

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil.

juice of half lemon-- freshly squeezed

1/3 a cup orange juice. Best is freshly squeezed

1 tsf honey. You can use 2 tsp of sugar as well.

2 tbsf Brown mustard. Optional
salt and pepper for seasoning

This dressing is so citrus and light that it actually can boast of being healthy, over most other dressings which use sour cream and cheese.

Now there isn't really much to do other than cut and toss!

Chop up all your veggies and fruits to chunk sizes. Keep the cuts similar so that they look pretty. Here is a little tip:- Shred the carrots, preferably in a grater.  And with the tomatoes scoop out the seeds. Will keep your salad crispy. Place em' all in a big big salad bowl. Whisk together the oil, lemon juice, orange juice and honey. Pour it all over the salad. Add the cranberries or raisins and the olives. Toss everything together. Season with salt and pepper. 

Now comes the neat part. The layering part. Place your salad in layers, between spread lettuce leaves. The more the number of layers, the prettier it is! Chill for  a few hours before serving.

Look at the colors! it is a riot of em' all. And you sure will get an ' Ah! how lovely and gorgeous' from your guests. Any nation. I can tell ya. In fact this salad is so good and healthy, it rivals all other goodies you may have on the dinner table. Even entrees. 

Happy eating and a very very healthy living.


taste traveller said…
Looks so light & appetizing - wonderful use of colours!
Anonymous said…
Oh my..i can almost taste the crunch of those vege's !...and a lovely citrusy dressing to dredge it in...thou art such are genius Ms.Sherlock : ) ...Lovely fun post and the pic is excellent !
The JR said…
Very pretty JW. Lot's of eye appeal!
This looks terrific... I just finished a pre-thanksgiving meal where everything turned out... brown. Wish I had seen this festival of colors first,,,

great photo
Erica said…
Beautiful salad!Love the colors.
Jhonny walker said…
Hello everyone...thanks. And yes it is a riot of colors.

@ Ashley: It is super light.
@ Nat: --me a Ms. Holmes?? Wow!
@ Ramona:- and taste appeal too...if you like veggies. :)
@ year on the grill:-- this takes 2 mins..you can whisk it before you can say ' jack robinson' :)
Mardi Michels said…
oooh - so pretty and delicious I bet!
Palidor said…
The colors are phenomenal! What a wonderful salad... crunchy, tangy, and sweet. Perfect!
sangeeta said…
lovely colorful salad ... i love this dressing with mustard..
your last post of dessert is too good...really sinful.
Reeni said…
What a vibrant and delicious salad! I love the idea of a layered salad. I saw one like this done in a trifle dish and it was gorgeous! It would be great for Thanksgiving.
oh great salad and what an awesome color
Sanjana said…
I loooooooove this idea! I'm a big salad person (not literally), I just love salads! :) Came here from Mae's blog and I have been snooping around and perving on your recipes... Like it lots!!!
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