Peaaas--pulll--auu. Words that repeat

Have you ever had this near compulsive habit of saying the name of a dish-- constantly? not for any other reason..but just because it feels so terrific just to say it? :) Well I generally don't belong to this category. However, exceptions prove the rule.  Last week,  I could not help saying the word peas polau. And I did not even realise I kept saying myself...untill I heard myself one afternoon, literally saying it aloud. Sounded as scary as this

Peaaas--pulll--auu ! 

And if I had to trace out why I had started to say this..I would not be able to tell you. However, I certainily can tell you, where that constant repetition of the word led to :) To a dinner table with the very food on it. And you might or might not believe this...but Immedietly after I and R had this, I stopped saying it out. At least compulsively :) 

If I was you, I would be doing the job of devil's advocate. I would have gone,'hmmm it must have been terrible, but she put together this recipe from an internet site'. ya :) I actually got the recipe from the internet. Changed it a lot..and trust me it was good. At least for someone who cannot make rice dishes..this was really impressive. And I got a way around to do it without having to measure out the secret ratio of rice: water. What is the magic ratio btw? I never could get it. Never ever. To me it is forever the most illusive ratio. Yet so many people make it. Even if rice is the only they make. And they get it. I led myself to believe I am cursed.

Anyone here is a easy way to get around this problem. And you can use this technique for any rice dishes, which require some sauteeing. Fried rice, pilaf..etc. 

So here is how Peaaas--pulll--auu  ended :)


A cup of any assorted veggies you can think of. But please do include peas. The name demands it :) 
I used some fresh beens, carrots, corns. Of course, you can use the regular frozen veggies too. Just let them thaw out in water for ~ 10-15 minutes before you use them. 

1 big tomato, corsely chopped.
1 medium onion. Chopped
A handful of cilantro.

3 big cloves of garlic. Grated
half a tsp of grated ginger
1 tbsf of sugar

2 cloves
A small piece of cinnamon
2 cardamon. 

Break these down with a coarse blow. Will help with the aroma.

3/4 cup pf rice.  You can substitute with coucous.
Water as you need to boil rice.

half a tsp of butter. Use oilve oil for healthier option.

Salt and pepper to taste


Make rice and let it stand. I am no authority on this matter..but all I do is take the rice in a pot. Fill it up with water. Let it boil. And then strain. So that I don't have to deal with illusive ratios. But I am sure you can find one method that best suits your need :)

In a shallow skillet, heat the butter/oil. Add the cardamom, clove and cinamon. Once it gives off the aroma, add the onions and saute for a couple of minutes. Leave it crunchy. Add the ginger and garlic, tomatoes, bayleaf and the veggies. Saute for a minute or so. Add the rice. Mix it all up. 

Dish it up on serving platter. Garnish with cilantro. That is Peaaas--pulll--auu for ya :)

Happy eating and healthy living!


I have a bit of a rice issue!! So I just use "boil in the bag" - saves alot of tears!!!!!!

Your dish sounds wonderful, and healthy.
La Bella Cooks said…
This looks so healthy and delicious!
The JR said…
I could eat rice or rice dishes everyday.
Dewi said…
Love this rice, full of delicious spices that I like.
Mlle Paradis said…
hi jhonny! thanks for stopping by passage paradis and leaving a note! i like your blog too. i think i could find a few (many) tasty things to make here!

i also liked your post on the other blog about plastics. i had a moment last week where it felt like stopping using plastic might have been the most important thing i could do in my whole life!
Pam said…
It looks and sounds tasty.
Erica said…
Love the addition of cloves and cinnamon! Delicious!!!
Jhonny walker said…
Hi everyone

thanks for enjoying the dish..

@ Mile: Plastics are horible..I can direct you to the right places which will give you an idea as to what we are doing to the oceans with plastics

Glad you agree
Jhonny walker said…
Hi everyone

thanks for enjoying the dish..

@ Mile: Plastics are horible..I can direct you to the right places which will give you an idea as to what we are doing to the oceans with plastics

Glad you agree
Mary Bergfeld said…
This looks wonderfully healthy and absolutely delicious. I really like the recipe you devised. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary
Anonymous said…
Hi Jhonny, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Nice to meet you! :o) You have some wonderful recipes here and I could learn from you, you eat much healthier than I do, lol! Have a great day!
Jhonny walker said…
@ Mary: It is delish indeed

@ Brenda: I try to be healthy..but baking sure needs a bit of those nice comforting fats :) I plan to learn those from you too! Oh blogging is fun indeed!
tinyskillet said…
This one looks very tasty as well as fun to say!
Namitha said…
That's a comfort this kind of simple yet yumm rice dishes :-)So I'll love this easy peasy peaas pullll aau
Jhonny walker said…
Hi Lindsay and Gulmohar

See how fun it is to say it!! Good luk with the dish :)
tasteofbeirut said…
This dish uses spices with rice that I love but do not have the habit of using! I will try to change my habits because I would love this!
Shabs.. said…
Hi, thakns you so much for stopping by my space and leaving such a wonderful comment...
You too have a lovely space in here....loved the way you write....About rice and water ratio, its easy once you get the hang of it. But i guess it took me good fortune to get a good ratio. It depends from dish to dish and even depends on rice. But normally if the rice is unsoaked, you can take 2 cups of water for a cup of rice and if the rice is soaked, you can use 1:1.5 ratio. You can find few rice dishes and few techniques at my place.
Following u:)
Jhonny walker said…

@ Beirut girl: You have such an amazing number of spices to use..I am suer you will get into this habit real quick!

@ Shabs: Thanks! and I did check your blog for rice recipes.Indeed the malabar biriyani has to be done. I once did a post about stories related to biriyanu making
To this day, veggies and brown rice is my favorite dish~! I like to have it two or three times a week. This looks really delish. I love cabbage sliced, cooked in canola oil, a little s and p (that's just for you because you enjoy HEEERRRR) and some vinegar. Ah, my mouth is watering. =)p

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