My very 100th post..awards...and a bit of celebration!

You heard right! It is indeed my 100th post and no one I suppose could be happier or more surprized than myself about achieving this teeny tiny landmark :) I did not know that I had a 100 post ideas in myself. So quite a discovery. And happy as hell to share with the best blogging community in town, who has been such a constant source of joy, inspiration and creativity through it all :) 

Three cheers for us! 

I know I  have been a little lazy about posting. But that is because I manage a Phd along with it---which sometimes takes up a lot of time. But I can tell you one thing. I am happiest writing in my blogs. Happiest. I might have also just figured out what I wanna do with the rest of my life-- given an oppetunity and also finding it at the right time, of course-- write. Science, food, short stories, novels....the list goes on. And so does my imagination. And to think it all started and kept happening with blogging. Food blogging more so. 

Three cheers to us! ...for that as well

And it even better that I get to share some lovely awards that I have recieved from Kristy at my little space.. You should check out her website, if you haven't done so yet. Incredible recipes, especially her dessert recipes...Looks so professional, but does not sound that impossible to come up with. A must stop for dessert lovers. And she has been so sweet in sharing multiple awards with many of us.  But guess what atracted me to her blog in the very first place? The name: My little space. A small place that makes and shares such yummy sweet things :) And that is one thing I love about this community. Sharing without a sense of competition. 

So here are the lovely awards

And I like to share them with everyone who has been so fantastic over the course of 100 posts, and that includes a few freinds who have dropped out since then. But their support went a long way. So special mention to my lost friend Nat of Nat loves baking in Nyc. Hopefully she will one day join us with her lovely simple posts and recipes :)

HOpefully you will all pick up the awards and be as much happy to display them as I am to do so :)

And on a celebratory note, a 100th post without a recipe...nahhh :)

So here is simple idea to make your brunches a bit more savory and flavorful. Adding garlic sauteed spinach and watercress to your morning bagel, with no more than half a tsp of olive oil. Let me tell you..that is one hell of a good breakfast...and quite a substitute if you are having a spinach-harissa-crepe mood, in your pyjamas

Happy eating and healthy living!


Congratulations JW, 100 posts and all of them great .... some achievement!
Anonymous said…
JW, that's fantastic, congrats to you!
Congratulations on your 100th post! Hooray!!!!
The JR said…
WooHoo!!! Way to go.
Tasty Trix said…
Congrats!! Yes, working on your PhD does take up a wee bit of time, lol!
ann low said…
Congratulations on your 100th post!!
Jhonny walker said…
Thanks everyone

@ Ancoo,Ramona: thanks for being with me from the very begining :)
congrats on your 100th post and on those lovely awards. always enjoy your witty write ups and delicious recipes. wish more to see in future dear JW.
Erica said…
Congratulations!!! waiting for 100 more ;-)
Congratulations, JW. :)
Watercress & spinach braised in garlic sound like a good start to the day!
radha said…
Wow! A PhD, a writer, a good cook. That is a fantastic, rare combination!
Cheers and congratulations on your 100th post and your awards. I can't imagine studying for a PhD AND finding the time to blog (never mind stay with it - the blog that is). I don't multi-task well unfortunately.

I wish you much success in your career and look forward to more wonderful, award winning posts.
Jhonny walker said…
@ Sayantani, Radha, Sam, Murasaki : Thanks so so so very much..I feel like I am on cloud no 9! I sure know what Bryan adams was talking about :) :)
PJ said…
congrats for the post 100! wishing you many more to come.
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Congratulations on your 100th post! I do believe this is more than a teeny, tiny landmark. More like an accomplishment. When I started blogging, I had no idea how much time it takes! I was watching something the other day, I forget what and who but, but he was talking about journaling and how his mentor told him to write everything down, now matter how big or small; trivial or meaningful, and that is how you keep yourself open to creativity. The same applies to blogging, I'm sure. Sharing ideas and being both, inspired and encouraged by others', really opens up the well of inspiration in you. It's a wonderful thing. You're doing such a great job! I'll never forget you were my first...follower, and how much that meant to me. I'm so glad to be here with you now to celebrate your 100th post. =)
Jhonny walker said…
@ PJ : Thanks a lot

@ Ree: I will never forget this comment. Awefully thoughtful of you :) Thank you so much. I hope to be with you too..on your 100's :)
Natasha in Oz said…
100 posts, studying and all those awards! Well done you!

I would love to try your spinach idea. Thanks for that!

Best wishes for a great week,
Heather S-G said…
Wow! Congrats on all the awards and on the big 100! Now, where can I get a bite of that tasty plate? ;)
Jhonny walker said…
Chief..thanks a lot...and you can get it in your house with a bit of garlic and tons of spinach :)